Clinics We Offer

a baby

Antenatal Clinics and Post Natal Checks

Post Natal and six week baby checks are done by the Doctors in Surgery time.

Baby Immunisations

By appointment with the Practice Nurse.

Asthma and COPD Clinic

This is run by the Practice Nurses. All  asthmatics need regular reviews and a patient can self-refer.

Counselling Service

We can refer to Birmingham Healthy Minds for counselling or Patients can self refer 0121 301 2525 or go on the website

Diabetic Clinics

These are run by the Practice Nurses.


Minor Surgery

Joint injections may be performed by Dr Holland or Richard Tennant by prior arrangement. We also offer joint injections to unregistered patients too. Ask reception for more information.

Scrivens Hearing Clinic

Scrivens visit our surgery twice a week to offer FREE NHS hearing health checks to all registered patients over 18 years old. If you are struggling with your hearing or struggling with your hearing aid, please speak to our friendly reception team who will support you in securing a booking.

a person having their blood pressure taken

Well Person Checks

These can be done by the Practice  Nurses and include self-referral for a three-yearly check or annual health check if over 75 years.

Family Planning

Contraceptive care is provided by all the Doctors and Practice Nurses during surgery hours. can provide advice on sexual health services.  0121 237 5700. We run clinics once a fortnight for services such as coil insertation and removals and also implant insertation and removals. If you are interested in any of these long term reversible contraception options; please submit a Medical Florey (online services)  


These are 20 minute appointments and can be booked with our practice nurses. To book a Saturday smear appointment; please ask Reception for a HUB appointment

Flu Vaccination

An influenza vaccination is particularly recommended for patients with heart, lung or kidney disease, diabetes and residents of nursing and rest homes. Please contact the reception staff  in September for details of the vaccination dates and to make an appointment. If  you are unable to attend the surgery, a home visit will be arranged to undertake this facility.

Stop Smoking

Please book with one of our HCA's for smoking cessation advice. 


Did you know you can now self refer to physiotherapy without seeing your GP? A physiotherapist can advise and treat problems with your back, neck or any muscle, bone or joint. Physiotherapy is provided from 20 different clinics across the city and evening appointments are offered by some clinics.

To arrange to see a physiotherapist call 0121 466 7600, option 4, Monday to Friday 8 am - 4 pm.

We also have our PCN paramedic who is based at Greenridge Surgery - to book an appointment, please submit a Medical Florey (Online Services)