Information About Test Results

How long will I have to wait for a result?

Some tests such as finger prick blood tests and urine dipstick tests will give instant results. Most tests however can take up to 5 working days for results to come back and some special tests take longer. Test results are sent electronically to the practice and are checked every day by our GPs.

How can I find out a test result?

We will always contact you if there is cause for concern with a result. Normally we will write to you with instructions on what action to take – normally this is to make an appointment with your GP to discuss your recent tests. Please do not be alarmed if you receive a letter like this – it does not necessarily mean it is serious if the result needs a discussion. If your result reveals that urgent action is needed your GP will try and telephone you rather than writing a letter.

Please note that we do not routinely inform patients if your result is normal. If you have not heard within 10 working days you can assume that your result is normal but if you are still worried you can telephone the practice after 2pm Monday-Friday. The GP will have marked all acceptable results as “no action” and the receptionist will be able to tell you this. If you call the surgery for a result, please remember that members of the reception team are not medically trained and cannot interpret results for you.

Can I call about test results for another patient?

In most cases we are only able to give results out to the person they relate to. The only exceptions to this are;

  • The patient is under the age of 16. In this instance we are only able to give results out to the legal parent/guardian of the patient.
  • The patient has given prior written permission for us to share their results. In this instance a note will be added to the patient’s record advising the reception team who results can be shared with. You may be asked some questions to confirm who you are.
  • The patient is incapable of calling for the results themselves. In this instance you should speak to the patient’s GP who will arrange for a note to be added to the patient record advising the reception team who results can be shared with. You may be asked some questions to confirm who you are.

We appreciate that this can be frustrating but we are bound by strict rules regarding confidentiality and data protection.

Blood tests and other results

Laboratory tests are tools helpful in evaluating the health status of an individual. It is important to realise that laboratory results may be outside of the so-called “normal range” for many reasons.

These variations may be due to such things as race, dietary preference, age, sex, menstrual cycle, degree of physical activity, problems with collection and/or handling of the specimen, non-prescription (over the counter) drugs (aspirin, cold medications, vitamins, etc.),  prescription drugs, alcohol intake and a number of non-illness-related factors.

Any unusual or abnormal results should be discussed with the GP who ordered the test. It is not possible to diagnose or treat any disease or problem with a blood test alone. It can, however, help you to learn more about your body and detect potential problems in early stages when treatment or changes in personal habits can be most effective.

Almost all laboratories set the normal result range for a particular test so that 95% of healthy patients fall within the “normal range”.

That means that 5% of healthy patients fall outside of the normal range, even when there is nothing wrong with them.

Thus an abnormal test does not necessarily mean that there is something wrong with you. Statistically if you have 20 or 30 individual tests checking various things, the chances are 1 or 2 will be slightly outside the normal range.

The comments your doctor then attaches to your results are their interpretation of whether or not any changes are meaningful.

What the doctors comments mean

Normal, no action

This means that the doctor has looked at the result and deemed it to be within the normal range for the test and so no further investigation or treatment is needed.


This means that the doctor has looked at the result and deemed it to be very close to the normal range for the test and the result is not concerning. Some patients have consistently abnormal results that are “normal” for them.

Doctor to contact patient./patient to phone doctor, not urgent.

This means that the doctor wishes to speak to you in order to explain the result e.g. it may be outside the normal range but acceptable to the doctor in the circumstances.

Make appointment to see doctor, non-urgent.

This is similar to the above but the doctor wishes to explain the result(s) face to face as detailed explanations and/or further treatment or investigation(s) may be necessary.

Infection confirmed, on correct antibiotic/antifungal.

Self explanatory.

Continue on current medication.

No reason to change current treatment according to test result(s).

Review in diabetic clinic.

Used for diabetic patients who will have their results discussed during their next clinic review.

Cardiovascular risk OK repeat in 5 years.

This means that the blood fat results, height and weight (BMI), blood pressure, smoking habits, family history, sex, ethnicity and other medical conditions e.g. diabetes are used together to calculate a predicted risk score for the development of heart disease and/or stroke over  the next 10 years (assuming that no preventative measures are undertaken).

e.g. If someone has a 10 year QRISK®2 score of 20% then in a crowd of 100 people like them, on average 20 people would get cardiovascular disease over the next 10 years. Or put another way, they have a ‘one in five’ chance of getting cardiovascular disease over the next 10 years

If you have a QRISK®2 score of 20% or more then you are considered to be at high risk of developing cardiovascular disease and need to have advice or treatment to reduce your risk.

Therefore if the comment is cardiovascular risk OK repeat in 5 years your risk is low and you should maintain a healthy lifestyle and have your risk recalculated in 5 years time.